
Specify the pull up G force.

Related Commands


MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft SetValue PullUpG <Value> [<Unit>]

MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft PerfModel "Acceleration" "<AccelMdlName>" SetValue PullUpG <Value> [<Unit>]


Specify the force normal to the velocity vector used to transition into a climb or to transition out of a dive into the next flight segment. Low values increase the likelihood of terrain impact when a procedure is defined with a high rate of descent close to the ground.

Use the MissionModeler Aircraft SetValue command to set PullUpG for the Acceleration built-in performance model.

Use the MissionModeler Aircraft PerfModel Acceleration SetValue command to set PullUpG for the Acceleration custom performance model.

<Value> Enter the pull up G force value as a number greater than or equal to 1.05.
[<Unit>] Enter the unit that the <Value> is entered in. This parameter is optional, the default unit is G-SeaLevel. The dimension type is MissionModelerG.


Example: Specifying PullUpG for built-in Acceleration Performance Model

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft SetValue PullUpG 2.004 G-SeaLevel

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft SetValue PullUpG 1.12

Example: Specifying PullUpG for custom Acceleration Performance Model

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft PerfModel "Acceleration" "AccelMdl1" SetValue PullUpG 1.75


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1