
Specify the standard roll rate for the aircraft.

Related Commands


MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft SetValue RollRate <Value> [<Unit>]

MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft PerfModel "Acceleration" "<AccelMdlName>" SetValue RollRate <Value> [<Unit>]


Define the standard roll rate - the rate at which the aircraft bank angle changes - of the aircraft in a turn.

Use the MissionModeler Aircraft SetValue command to set RollRate for the Acceleration built-in performance model.

Use the MissionModeler Aircraft PerfModel Acceleration SetValue command to set RollRate for the Acceleration custom performance model.

<Value> Enter the ground roll rate value as a number greater than or equal to 1.0 deg/sec.
[<Unit>] Enter the unit that the <Value> is entered in. This parameter is optional, the default unit is radians/second (rad/sec). The dimension type is MissionModelerAttAngleRate.


Example: Specifying RollRate for built-in Acceleration Performance Model

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft SetValue RollRate 20 deg/sec

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft SetValue RollRate 0.34

Example: Specifying RollRate for custom Acceleration Performance Model

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft PerfModel "Acceleration" "AccelMdl1" SetValue RollRate 1.75


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1