
Get the center of gravity for the empty aircraft.

Related Commands


MissionModeler_RM <AircraftObjPath> Configuration GetValue EmptyCG [<Unit>]

MissionModeler_RM <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft DefaultConfiguration GetValue EmptyCG [<Unit>]


This command returns the Cartesian values that describe the position of the aircraft's empty center of gravity.

<Unit> Enter the unit that the coordinates are returned in. The default unit is meter. The unit type is Small Distance Unit.

Return Value

The cartesian values representing the position, <X> <Y> <Z>, are returned in the unit specified or in meters.


MissionModeler_RM */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Configuration GetValue EmptyCG

MissionModeler_RM */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft DefaultConfiguration GetValue EmptyCG feet


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1