
Insert a new profile item.

Related Commands


MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft PerfModel "Climb" "<ModelName>" SetValue InsertProfileItem <Altitude> <AltitudeUnit> <DownRange> <DownRangeUnit> <ElapsedTime> <ElapsedTimeUnit> <Fuel> <FuelUnit>


Insert a new profile item with the specified values.

"<ModelName>" Enter the Climb model name.
<Altitude> Enter the altitude for the aircraft. This value should be greater than or equal to 0.0.
<AltitudeUnit> Enter the unit that the <Altitude> is entered in. The dimension type is MissionModelerAltitude.
<DownRange> Enter the ground distance from the first point in the climb model to the aircraft's position at this point.
<DownRangeUnit> Enter the unit that the <DownRange> is entered in. The dimension type is MissionModelerDistance.
<ElapsedTime> Enter the amount of time that has elapsed since the first point of the climb model.
<ElapsedTimeUnit> Enter the unit that the <ElapsedTime> is entered in. The dimension type is MissionModelerDuration.
<Fuel> Enter the amount of fuel required to climb from sea level to the entered altitude.
<FuelUnit> Enter the unit that the <Fuel> is entered in. The dimension type is MissionModelerFuelQuantity.



MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft PerfModel "Climb" "ClimbMdl1" SetValue InsertProfileItem 50000 ft 34.6 nm 00:05:00.00 HMS 415 lb


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1