
Return the minimum radius based on the altitude entered.

Related Commands


MissionModeler_RM <AircraftObjPath> Procedure <Index> GetValue ComputeMinRadius <Altitude> <AltUnit> [<Unit>]


<Index> Enter the index of the procedure.
<Altitude> Specify the altitude for which the minimum radius is to be computed.
<AltUnit> Specify the unit that the <Altitude> value is entered in. The dimension type is MissionModelerAltitude.
[<Unit>] Specify the unit that the Radius value is returned in. This parameter is optional, the default unit is meters (m). The dimension type is MissionModelerDistance.

Return Value

<Value> <Unit>

A real value indicating the minimum radius and the unit of <Value> are returned.


MissionModeler_RM */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Procedure 2 GetValue ComputeMinRadius 21000 ft

1234 m

MissionModeler_RM */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Procedure 2 GetValue ComputeMinRadius 21000 ft ft

1234 ft


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1