Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Set the altitude reference for a Great Arc vehicle.


AltitudeRef <VehObjectPath> {AltRefOption} <Parameters>

Related Commands


The AltitudeRef command allows you to set the altitude reference for a vehicle.

Note: This command is only valid for Great Arc vehicles.

The following table describes {AltRefOption} and <Parameters>:

{AltRefOption} <Parameters> Description
Ref MSL Set the altitude reference to mean sea level.
Terrain Set the altitude reference to the terrain.
WGS84 Set the altitude reference to the central body's reference ellipsoid.
TerrainGran <GranValue> The Granularity value which is a real number between 1.0m and 600000m, entered in Connect distance units.

Note: The smaller the granularity value, the longer it will take to process the vehicle.

InterpMethod EllipsoidHeight Interpolate using the greatArc interpolator without considering terrain at all. (This is the default method.)
TerrainHeight Assigns a height above terrain by a linear interpolation between the heights above terrain at the waypoints.
OnTerrain Assumes that the waypoints are on the terrain (0.0 height) and the interpolated points should also be on terrain.


To set the altitude reference for Aircraft1 to mean sea level:

AltitudeRef */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Ref MSL

To set the altitude reference for Aircraft1 to terrain level and set the terrain sampling rate to 10 km:

AltitudeRef */Aircraft/Aircraft1 TerrainGran 10000

To set the altitude reference interpolation method for Aircraft1 to "on terrain":

AltitudeRef */Aircraft/Aircraft1 InterpMethod OnTerrain

To set the altitude reference for Aircraft1 to Terrain, and the granularity to 7.75 km

AltitudeRef */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Ref Terrain TerrainGran 7750.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Object Graphics




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1