Convert a planetodetic position to/from a planetocentric position.
Convert <ScenarioPath> CBPosition {Planetodetic | Planetocentric} {CentralBodyName} <Latitude> <Longitude> {<Altitude> | <Radius>}
If Planetodetic is entered then <Altitude> must be entered and LLR will be returned. If Planetocetic is entered then <Radius> must be entered and LLA will be returned.
<Latitude> and <Longitude> are entered/returned in degrees. <Altitude> and <Radius> are entered/returned in Connect distance units.
Note: <Latitude> and <Longitude> are measured with reference to the planet fixed frame.
To convert a Planetodetic position on Earth to Planetocentric position (connect distance units are meters):
CONVERT * CBPosition Planetodetic Earth 0.001777533 -100.038601793 35786032.637149
0.0017757330 -100.0386017930 42164169.637128
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STK Programming Interface 11.0.1