Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Set options to be used when exporting reports.


ExportConfig <ApplicationPath> {ExportOption} [<Parameters>]

Related Commands


The ExportConfig command allows the user to change options that are used when exporting a report. The export config options are stored with the Application, in the user's _Default.ap file.

The user is able to set export config options for the Application and also for individual Connect connections. When a connection is opened it's initial export option values will be set from the Application. Then, using the ExportConfig Connection command, the user can change settings for his connection. These settings are only valid while the connection is open. These settings are not saved. The user can separately set export config options for the Application.

Export config options that are set for the Connection are used for reports that are exported using the Report_RM command, or the ReportCreate command with the Type Export option. Export config options that are set for the Application are used for reports that are exported from the STK GUI.

Use the ExportConfig_R command to return the export options values.

{ExportOption} <Parameters> Description
SaveToConnect N/A This option will use the values currently set for the Application and will reset the export config values for the current Connection.
WriteApDefault N/A This option will save the current Application export config values to the user's _Default.ap file.
Connection {OptionValuePairs} Use the Connection keyword to set export config values only for the current connection, these values will be used for reports created via the GetReport or Report Export commands.
App {OptionValuePairs} Use the App keyword to set the export config values only for the Application, these values will be used for reports exported from the STK GUI.
All {OptionValuePairs} Use the All keyword to set values for both the Application and the current Connection.

The following table describes the {OptionValuePairs} that are used to set the export options. One or more of these options can be included on a command line.

{Option} <Value> Description
Delimiter {Comma | SemiColon | Tab | Space | TwoSpace | "<UserDefinedValue>"} Set the value to be used between fields in an exported report. The "<UserDefinedValue>" can be any sequence of characters.
Quotes {Char | All | None} Define how quotes are used in an exported report. The Char keyword specifies that quotes will be included around character data only. The All keyword specifies that quotes will be included around all data. The None keyword specifies that no quotes will be included.
HeaderInQuotes {On | Off} Specifies whether or not quotes will be included around header data.
Headers {One | All | None} Define which headers are included in an exported report. The One keyword specifies that only the first header will be included in the report. The All keyword specifies that all headers will be included in the report. The None keyword specifies that no headers will be included.
UseCommaForDecPnt {On | Off} Specifies whether or not the decimal point in real numbers will be replaced with a comma.
KeepReportLines {On | Off} Specifies whether or not to display all report lines, including blank lines.
ShowStartStop {On | Off} Specifies whether or not to display the report's start and stop times at the top of the exported report.
WriteReportTitle {On | Off} Specifies whether or not to display the report title in the exported report.
WriteObjectNames {On | Off} Specifies whether or not to display object names in the report title of the exported report. WriteReportTitle must be On in order to see the object names.
WriteSectionTitles {On | Off} Specifies whether or not to display the section titles in the exported report.

All export options will be applied:

Only these export options, Delimiter, HeaderInQuotes, Quotes, UseCommaForDecPnt, will be applied:

When a report is created via the Report_RM command, only the following export options will be applied: Delimiter, Headers, HeaderInQuotes, Quotes, UseCommaForDecPnt.


To set export options for the current connection:

ExportConfig / Connection Delimiter comma ShowStartStop On

To set export options for both the application and the current connection:

ExportConfig / All Quotes All Headers One

To save the current application export options to the user's _Default.ap file:

ExportConfig / WriteApDefault


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1