Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Extend the boundary of an area target


ExtendBoundary <ATObjectPath> Pattern [{PointType}] <NumPoints> {PointDefn}...

Related Commands


The ExtendBoundary Connect command adds to the boundary points of an area target. The area target must already have at least one point defined before sending this command. The points are added after the last point defined for the area target.

<NumPoints> indicates the number of points to be added. {PointType} defines how the points will be entered, valid values are LatLon and UTM. If {PointType} is not entered then LatLon is used.

The following table describes the valid {PointDefn} parameters:

{PointType} {PointDefn} Description
LatLon <Latitude> <Longitude> Enter the latitude and longitude for each point. <Latitude> and <Longitude> are entered in Connect Latitude and Longitude units (default is degrees).
UTM <ZoneStr> <Easting> <Northing> Enter the points using UTM parameters.

Valid values for <ZoneStr> are A, B, Y, Z or ddc, where 00>dd>61 and c is C-X.

<Easting> and <Northing> are entered in Connect distance units.

Note: This command is available to Pattern {Type} area targets only.

Hint: To define the boundary of an area target use the SetBoundary command. To identify the boundary points of a pattern area target use the GetBoundary command.


To extend the boundary of the at1 area target by adding two points:

ExtendBoundary */AreaTarget/at1 Pattern LatLon 2 50 0 10 45


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1