Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics (Figure of Merit)

Define the graphic properties for a figure of merit


Graphics <FOMObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters>

Related Commands


The Graphics command allows you to set static and animation graphics for the figure of merit.

In this case, {GfxType} and <Parameters> can be:

{GfxType} <Parameters> Description
Show {On | Off} Turn on or off display of graphics.
Static {On [{Color}] | Off} If On is entered, optionally enter a color.
FillPoints {On | Off {MarkerStyle}} If Off is entered, specify the {MarkerStyle}
FillTranslucency <Value> Set the percent translucency of the fill points. <Value> can be between 0.0 and 100.0
Animation {On | Off} [{AccumTime} {Color}] If On is entered, specify {AccumTime} and {Color}. {AccumTime} can be CurrentTime, UpToCurrent, NotCurrent or NotUpToCurrent
FillPoints {On | Off {MarkerStyle}} If Off is entered, specify the {MarkerStyle}
FillTranslucency <Value> Set the percent translucency of the fill points. <Value> can be between 0.0 and 100.0

{MarkerStyle} can be:

If Custom is entered for MarkerStyle, also specifiy the custom marker image file.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.


To set animation graphics for the TwoEyes figure of merit so that coverage that meets satisfaction criterion displays as a filled point, with translucency of 45.5%:

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/PolarIceCaps/FigureOfMerit/TwoEyes Animation FillPoints On

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/PolarIceCaps/FigureOfMerit/TwoEyes Animation FillTranslucency 45.5

To turn on the display of static graphics, in the color red, for the TwoEyes figure of merit:

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/PolarIceCaps/FigureOfMerit/TwoEyes Static On red

Instead of using a fill, use the square marker to indicate static graphics:

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/PolarIceCaps/FigureOfMerit/TwoEyes Static FillPoints off square

To turn of the display graphics for the TwoEyes figure of merit:

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/PolarIceCaps/FigureOfMerit/TwoEyes Show Off


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


2D Object Graphics



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1