Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics GlobalAttributes

Specify whether or not a given attribute should be displayed in the 2D Graphics window


Graphics <ScenarioPath> {AttributeOption} {On | Off}


The Graphics GlobalAttributes command allows the user to specify whether or not a given attribute should be displayed in the 2D Graphics window. By default, individual objects will inherit the settings set by this command.

{AttributeOption} Description
ShowLabels Specify whether objects display in the 2D Graphics window with text labels.
ShowGndTracks Specify whether ground tracks display. This option affects Satellites, Launch Vehicles and Missiles.
ShowRoutes Specify whether routes display. This option affects Ships, Aircraft, and Ground Vehicles.
ShowPassLabels Specify whether pass numbers are shown at the pass break locations in the 2D Graphics window. This option affects Satellites only.
ShowElsetNum Specify whether element set numbers for the satellites display. This option is valid for Satellites only, and affects only SGP4 satellites with multiple two-line element sets.
ShowSensors Specify whether sensor projections display in the 2D Graphics window.
ShowWaypoints Specify whether waypoints for Ships, Aircraft, and Ground Vehicles are displayed.
ShowTurnMarkers Specify whether turn markers for Ships, Aircraft, and Ground Vehicles are displayed. A turn radius must be specified for the waypoint in order for turn markers to appear.
ShowOrbits Specify whether satellite orbit tracks and launch vehicle and missile trajectories display. This setting applies to Satellites, Launch Vehicles and Missiles only.
ShowOrbitMarkers Specify whether the orbit marker for satellites, launch vehicles, and missile trajectories display. This option affects only the perspective and orthographic map projections.
ShowGndMarkers Specify whether the marker for a vehicle displays. This option affects only the perspective and orthographic map projections.
ShowAreaTgtCentroids Specify whether the area target's centroid displays in the 2D Graphics window.
AllowAnimUpdate Specify whether an animation cycle for the current time is run after you click Apply or OK on any STK property page so that time-dependant graphics are immediately updated. Otherwise, you must click the Reset button on the Animation toolbar to update time-dependant graphics displays such as sensor fields of view.
AccShowLine Specify whether a line appears on the 2D and 3D Graphics windows between the two access objects to show when they are accessible to one another during animation.
AccAnimHigh Specify whether a box appears around each object during access.
AccStatHigh Specify whether access is highlighted in the 2D Graphics window as a thick line overlying the ground tracks for a vehicle or a vehicle sensor and as an X for a facility, a place, a target or a sensor that is attached to a facility, place or target.
ShowPlanetOrbits Specify whether planet orbit tracks display. This option affects only the perspective and orthographic map projections.
ShowPlanetCbiPos Specify whether the position of the planet displays in the 2D Graphics window in the Central-Body Inertial (CBI) coordinate frame. This option affects only the perspective and orthographic map projections.
ShowPlanetCbiLabel Specify whether planet labels display in the 2D Graphics window.
ShowPlanetGroundPos Specify whether the point on the Earth directly below the planet displays in the 2D Graphics window.
ShowPlanetGroundLabel Specify whether a label appears at the location of each subplanet point in the 2D Graphics window


Use this command to set various global attributes:

Graphics * GlobalAttributes ShowPassLabels On

Graphics * GlobalAttributes ShowElsetNum Off

Graphics * GlobalAttributes ShowSensors On

Graphics * GlobalAttributes ShowWaypoints Off


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Object Graphics

2D Graphics Window



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1