Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics GroundTrackCBs

Show a Satellite's ground track on other central bodies.


Graphics <SatObjectPath> GroundTrackCBs Show {On | Off} (CentralBody <CBName>)...


Use the Graphics GroundTrackCBs to set which central bodies the satellite groundtrack is drawn on. This command is available for satellites only. By default, the satellite's parent central body is automatically turned on.

Most 2d graphics (time events, contours, swath, etc) will only show on the parent central body for the satellite. In 2d, enabling other cb's will affect only the groundtrack line, the marker, the label, and access lines between objects if the other access object can also draw on the same cb. In 3d, only the groundtrack line will be drawn on the specified cb that is not the parent cb.

This command will not Nack if entered with vehicles other than Satellite, but the command will have no effect.


To show the ground track for Satellite1 on Mars and Moon:

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1 GroundTrackCBs Show On CentralBody Mars CentralBody Moon


Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Object Graphics




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1