Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics Legend

Display a figure of merit contours legend.*


Graphics <ObjectPath> Legend {GfxType} {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...]


The Graphics Legend command allows you to display the contours legend for a figure of merit or object coverage. This command will allow you to show the legend on the 2d Graphics window, or display the legend in a pop-up window.

Note: If no contours exist, the command will NACK.

{GfxType} Description
Static Displays coverage data for all points based on evaluation over the entire coverage interval.
Animation Displays coverage data for all points based on the current animation time.

{DisplayOption} can be:

{DisplayOption} Parameters Description
ShowOnMap On Color bands and associated contour level values display in the 2D Graphics window.
Off Do not display the legend.
Display On The contours legend displays in a pop-up window.

Note: * The Display option is only available when running STK Desktop.

Off The contours legend window is closed.
MapPositionX <XValue> If ShowOnMap is On, enter the pixel location for the upper left corner of the legend in the <XValue> and <YValue> (0,0 is the upper left corner of the Map). These options only effects the legend that is being shown on the 2d Graphics window.

Note: The pixel location is used to maintain the location of the legend during zoom operations. This option can be used when printing to ensure that the legend is attached to the printed Map.

MapPositionY <YValue>
BackGroundColor {Color} Specify the color for the legend background. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
TextColor {Color} Specify the color for the legend text. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
Title "<Title>" The text you wish to appear at the top of the contours legend.
DecimalDigits <Value> The precision, or number of digits that should display to the right of the decimal point, with which real numbers should display.
FPFormat f Select the legend format.

Note: FormatValues are case-sensitive.

LevelOrder HorizMinToMax Contours levels will display horizontally and in ascending order.
HorizMaxToMin Contours levels will display horizontally and in descending order.
VertMinToMax Contours levels will display vertically and in ascending order.
VertMaxToMin Contours levels will display vertically and in descending order.
LevelMax <MaxValue> If LevelOrder is HorizMinToMax or HorizMaxToMin, enter a number between 1 and 1000 representing the number of colors per row.
If LevelOrder is VertMinToMax or VertMaxToMin, enter a number between 1 and 1000 representing the number of colors per column.
ColorSqWidth <WidthValue> Pixel value between 1 and 100 representing the width of individual color bands.
ColorSqHeight <HeightValue> Pixel value between 1 and 100 representing the height of individual color bands.


To show the static legend on the map at position 200,10:

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/CovDef/FigureOfMerit/Fom1 Legend Static ShowOnMap On MapPositionX 200 MapPositionY 10

To change the background color and title of the static legend:

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/CovDef/FigureOfMerit/Fom1 Legend Static BackgroundColor red Title "Its a Static Legend"

To turn on the animation legend for an object coverage:

Graphics */Facility/Facility1 Legend Animation ShowOnMap On TextColor magenta Title "ObjCov Legend" BackgroundColor 1


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


2D Object Graphics



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1