Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Position a sensor with respect to its parent object


Location <SensorObjectPath> {LocationType} <Parameters>


The Location command allows you to position a sensor with respect to its parent object. Location can be defined using one of the following {LocationType}:

{LocationType} Parameters Description
Center N/A The sensor is located at the center of its parent object. This is a default option, which also replicates sensor positioning in previous versions of STK.
Fixed Cartesian <X> <Y> <Z> The location of the sensor is defined using a fixed displacement vector with respect to the body frame of the parent object. The displacement can be defined using either Cartesian (by specifying XYZ coordinates in meters) or Spherical (by specifying right ascension, declination and radius in degrees) coordinates, which are in the sensor's parent body frame. If no parameters are specified, a default value of 0, 0, 0 is supplied.
Spherical <RA> <Dec> <Radius>
"3D Model" N/A The sensor is positioned according to the attach point specified in the model file without using the model scale. All computations will be accurate for the specified offset. The keyword "3D Model" must be surrounded by quotes or the command will NACK.

Note: Attach point is set using the VO VertexOffset command.

"3D Model with Scale" N/A Same as "3D Model", but uses model scale.

Warning: Using a scaled model may cause incorrect sensor computations. It is to be used for visualization effects only.

Point <Reference Point> The location of the sensor is defined using a user-specified reference point.


To set the location of Sensor1 to the center of the parent object:

Location */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 Center

To set the location of Sensor1 to the attach point of the 3D model being used for visualization:

Location */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 "3D Model"

To set the location of Sensor1 to a fixed location with respect to spherical coordinates:

Location */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 Fixed Spherical 10.0 -45.0 100.0

To set the location of Sensor1 to the parent object's 3D model attach point and use scaling from the parent model:

Location */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 "3D Model with Scale"

To set the location of Sensor1 to a fixed location with respect to cartesian coordinates:

Location */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 Fixed Cartesian 100.0 -200.0 400.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1