Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Set the graphical display of the central body in the 2D Graphics window


MapProjection <ScenarioPath> {ProjectionType} [<WinNumber>] [{ProjectionOption} <Parameters>]

Related Commands


Use the MapProjection command to set the graphical display of the central body in the 2D Graphics window.

If you don't specify the optional <WinNumber>, the first map window is used. If you specify a window number that doesn't exist, Connect returns a NACK.

Valid values for {ProjectionType} are outlined in the following Table.

{ProjectionType} {ProjectionOption} & <Parameters>
EquiCylindrical Center <LonCenter>
AzimuthEqui Center <LatCenter> <LonCenter>
Orthographic {ProjectionOption} <Parameters>, as defined in the Table below.

All <LatCenter> and <LonCenter> values are entered in degrees.

Options for the Orthographic projection are:

{ProjectionOption} <Parameters>
Center <LatCenter> <LonCenter>
Format {CoordFrame} <Value> [<SecondaryBody>]

where {CoordFrame} can be ECF, ECI, or BBR. If {CoordFrame} is BBR, specify the <SecondaryBody> to be used as the reference frame. <Value> is a display height entered in Connect distance units, greater or equal to 1.0.

Grid {On | Off} [<NumXLines> <NumYLines> <Color>]

where <NumXLines> and <NumYLines> are between 0 and 100.

Options for the Perspective projection are:

{ProjectionOption} <Parameters>
Center <LatCenter> <LonCenter> <Altitude>
Format {CoordFrame} <Value> [<SecondaryBody>]

where {CoordFrame} can be ECF, ECI, or BBR. If {CoordFrame} is BBR, specify the <SecondaryBody> to be used as the reference frame. <Value> is a field of view in degrees, between 1.0 and 180.0.


To use a perspective map projection with an ECF reference frame and a field of view of 90.0 degrees:

MapProjection * Perspective Format ECF 90.0

To use an Orthographic map projection with a grid:

MapProjection * Orthographic Grid On 10 10 yellow

To set the map projection to EquiCylindrical with the longitude center at 90.0 degrees:

MapProjection * EquiCylindrical Center 90.0

To set the map projection to HammerAitoff for map window 2:

MapProjection * HammerAitoff 2 Center 0.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1