Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Matlab ExportMatfile (Facilities, Places, Targets and Vehicles)

Sets the variable name and timestep and then exports the object to the specified file


Matlab <ObjectPath> ExportMatFile <VariableName> <TimeStep> "<FilePath>"


The MATLAB command using the ExportMatFile {MATLABOption} creates a MATLAB .mat file containing a dynamic state structure with an objects position, velocity and altitude. The <TimeStep> controls the granularity at which dynamic data is generated.

Note: When you create a .mat file and subsequently load it into MATLAB, a variable with the name VariableName will be created within the MATLAB base workspace. The aeroToolbox routine atbGeometry processes these structures. Please consult the MATLAB help on atbGeometry for further information.


To export a .mat file for Satellite1 in the current scenario to c:\MyTemp\sat1.mat:

MATLAB */Satellite/Satellite1 ExportMatFile Sat1 60.0 "c:\MyTemp\sat1.mat"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1