Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Set the basic properties of a missile and propagate a ballistic flight path


Missile <ObjectPath> Trajectory {TimeValue} <StepSize> {LaunchOption} <LaunchParameters> {TrajOption} <Value> {ImpactOption} <ImpactParameter>


The Missile command sets the basic properties of the specified missile and propagates the flight path at the specified {TimeValue}.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

<StepSize> is entered in Connect Time units.

Note: To change Connect units use the SetUnits command. To see the current settings for Connect units use the ShowUnits command.

{LaunchOption} and <Parameters> can be:

{LaunchOption} <Parameters> Description
LnLatGeoD <GeodeticLatitude> <Longitude> <Altitude> <GeodeticLatitude> and <Longitude> are entered in degrees. <Altitude> is entered in Connect Distance units.
LnLatGeoC <GeocentricLatitude> <Longitude> <Radius> <GeocentricLatitude> and <Longitude> are entered in degrees. <Radius> is entered in Connect Distance units and must be greater or equal to 0.0.

{TrajOption} and <Parameters> can be:

{TrajOption} <Parameters> Description
TOF <FlightDuration> <FlightDuration> is entered in Connect Time units and must be greater than 0.0. This value is the duration of the vehicle's flight.
DeltaV <DeltaV> <DeltaV> is entered in (Connect Distance units)/(Connect Time units) and must be greater or equal to 0.0 m/sec. If you enter 0, the minimum Delta V is computed for launch and impact locations. This value is the instantaneous thrust, to be applied to the vehicle being launched. This option generally results in shallower trajectories and is a much better choice when launch/impact points are close or when they are both on one side of the descent/accent arc.
ApogeeAlt <ApogeeAltitude> <ApogeeAltitude> is entered in Connect Distance units and must be greater or equal to 0.0. This value is the vehicle's maximum altitude.
DeltaVMinEcc <DeltaV> <DeltaV> is entered in (Connect Distance units)/(Connect Time units) and must be greater or equal to 0.0 m/sec. This value is the instantaneous thrust, with minimum eccentricity, to be applied to the vehicle being launched. This option generally results in shallower trajectories and is a much better choice when launch/impact points are close or when they are both on one side of the descent/accent arc.

{ImpactOption} and <Parameters> can be:

{ImpactOption} <Parameters> Description
ImLatGeoD <GeodeticLatitude> <Longitude> <Altitude> <GeodeticLatitude> and <Longitude> are entered in degrees. <Altitude> is entered in Connect Distance units.
ImLatGeoC <GeocentricLatitude> <Longitude> <Radius> <GeocentricLatitude> and <Longitude> are entered in degrees. <Radius> is entered in Connect Distance units and must be greater or equal to 0.0.
LaunchAzEl <Azimuth> <Elevation> <Azimuth> and <Elevation> are entered in degrees.

If {ImpactOption} is LaunchAzEl, {TrajOption} must be DeltaV.

Latitude and Elevation values must be between -90.0 and 90.0 degrees. Longitude and Azimuth values must be between -180.0 and 360.0 degrees.


To propagate the Test missile:

Missile */Missile/Test Trajectory "1 Jun 2000 00:00:00.00" 60.0 LnLatGeod 27 -81 0.0 TOF 5086 ImLatGeod 24 -14 0.0

To propagate it using launch geocentric coordinates, trajectory coordinates for apogee altitude and geodetic coordinates for impact:

Missile */Missile/Test Trajectory "1 Jun 2000 00:00:00.00" 60.0 LnLatGeoc 26.8 -81 6373 ApogeeAlt 23080 ImLatGeod 24 -14 0.0

To propagate the msl10 missile beginning at the scenario analysis time period start:

Missile */Missile/msl10 Trajectory "UseAnalysisStartTime" 60.0 LnLatGeod 27 -81 0.0 TOF 5086 ImLatGeod 24 -14 0.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1