Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Configure all procedures, calculate any changes made to the aircraft object, or implement all changes across STK.


MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> {ConfigureAll | CalculateAll | SendNtfUpdate}

Related Commands


Use the MissionModeler command after you modify parameters of a mission to ensure that the modified procedures are properly configured, the object changes are calculated, and the changes are implemented across STK.

Note: This command is only valid for an Aircraft object which is using the MissionModeler propagator.

Option Description
ConfigureAll Configures each modified procedure with the procedures that precede and follow it. You MUST use this option if you remove or add a procedure or phase to the mission or alter the sequence of procedures and phases in any way. If you have not altered the mission configuration, you do not need to use this option.
CalculateAll This option causes any changes you made to an aircraft object to take effect. If you want to do some iterative testing when you make a parametric change, put the parameter change and CalculateAll in a loop.

When you are satisfied with your change, continue with the SendNtfUpdate command to implement the change across STK.

Note: The SendNtfUpdate must be sent before any STK computation commands are used.

SendNtfUpdate Use to implement all changes across STK, including graphics.

Note: The SendNtfUpdate must be sent following the CalculateAll command and before any STK computation commands are used.


To reconfigure procedures for Aircraft1:

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 ConfigureAll

To calculate object changes for Aircraft1 and implement all changes across STK:

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 CalculateAll

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 SendNtfUpdate


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1