Description | Example | Return Message | Group

PassBreak (Satellites)

Set the pass options for a satellite


PassBreak <SatObjectPath> {PassOption} [<Parameters>]

Related Commands


The PassBreak Connect command allows you to specify the event that defines the boundary between passes (or revolutions) of an orbiting satellite. Most systems specify that a new pass, or orbital revolution, begins when a satellite passes through the inertial equator going north. Passes begin at the ascending node. The first pass number is the pass number of the start of the ephemeris.

{PassOption} Description
Ascending Set the direction of the pass as moving North.
Descending Set the direction of the pass as moving South.
Latitude <Value> [{Ascending | Descending}] Set the latitude crossing at which a new pass begins. <Value> is entered in degrees. Optionally, set the direction of the pass.
Longitude <Value> Set the longitude crossing at which a new pass begins. <Value> is entered in degrees.
Partial {Time | Angle | MeanArgOfLat} Specify the method to use to measure partial passes.
CoordSys {Inertial | Fixed | TrueOfDate | TrueOfOrbitEpoch} Specify the Coordinate system in which the latitude or longitude should be measured.
Number {<PassNumber> | Maintain | FromState | AtDate <PassNumber> {TimeValue}}

<PassNumber>, an integer, is used to specify the first pass number.

Enter Maintain to indicate that the existing pass numbering sequence is maintained when the satellite is repropagated.

Enter FromState for a satellite whose propagator is SGP4, which has it's own definition for passes.

Use the AtDate option to specify the date at which the first pass occurs. <PassNumber> is an integer. For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.


To set the pass number of Satellite2 to 2 and specify the time at which pass 2 will occur:

PassBreak */Satellite/Satellite2 Number AtDate 2 "1 Jul 2003 17:45:22.63"

To set the pass number of the Shuttle satellite to 2:

PassBreak */Satellite/Shuttle Number 2

To set the coordinate system for measuring pass numbers of the Shuttle satellite:

PassBreak */Satellite/Shuttle CoordSys Inertial

To set the latitude crossing value of the Shuttle satellite to 90.0 degrees, ascending:

PassBreak */Satellite/Shuttle Latitude 90.0 Ascending


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1