Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Point FixedInRef

Control fixed sensor pointing for a specified sensor instance


Point <SensorObjectPath> FixedInRef {OrientMethod} <MethodData> "<ReferenceAxes>"

Related Commands


The Point FixedInRef command controls fixed in reference axes sensor pointing for a specified sensor instance. FixedInRef sensor pointing allows you to specify the orientation of the sensor and a reference axes.

When specifying the "<ReferenceAxes>" of an object, include the truncated path of the object followed by a space and the name of the axes, all in quotes. For example: "Satellite/attSat VNC".

When specifying the "<ReferenceAxes>" of a central body, then include the truncated path of the central body followed by a space and the axes name, all in quotes. For example: "CentralBody/Earth Inertial"

<MethodData> for FixedInRef sensor pointing is dependent on the {OrientMethod} used. Valid values for {OrientMethod} <MethodData> are described in the following table.

{OrientMethod} <MethodData> Description
AzEl <Azimuth> <Elevation> [{AboutBoresight}] {AboutBoresight} can be Hold or Rotate.
Euler <Sequence> <Rot1> <Rot2> <Rot3> <Sequence> can be 121, 123, 131, 132, 212, 213, 231, 232, 312, 313, 321, 323, where 1 is the rotation about the Z axis, 2 is the rotation about the Y axis and 3 is the rotation about the Z axis.
YPR <Sequence> <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> <Sequence> can be 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321, where 1 is the rotation about the group X axis, 2 is the rotation about the group Y axis and 3 is the rotation about the group Z axis. Group axes are body-fixed axes of the parent object.
Quaternion <q1> <q2> <q3> <q4> N/A

All angle values should be entered in degrees.


To set the sensor's pointing to use YPR orientation, and use them Satellite's Body axes as reference:

Point */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 FixedInRef YPR 123 10 20 30 "Satellite/Satellite1 Body"

To set the sensor's pointing to use Quaternion orientation, and use the Earth's Fixed axes as reference:

Point */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 FixedInRef Quaternion 0 0 0 1 "CentralBody/Earth Fixed"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1