Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Reload (Satellite, Missile, & Launch Vehicle)

Restore the original ephemeris data of a satellite, missile or launch vehicle in the current scenario


Reload <ApplicationPath> <ClassPath> "<FilePath>"


Use the Reload command to restore the original ephemeris of a vehicle without affecting the vehicle's graphical attributes. If the vehicle does not contain ephemeris it will be propagated.

The <ClassPath> specifies the full class path of the object to be created. For instance, to specify a Missile the <ClassPath> would be: */Missile.

The "<FilePath>" specifies the directory and name of the object file, which contains the vehicle's ephemeris data. Each time you save the vehicle or scenario, the ephemeris data is updated to reflect the latest information. If the vehicle doesn't exist, the command functions in the same way as the Load command.


To reload the ephemeris of the Shuttle without resetting attributes set after the last save:

Reload / */Satellite "/stkData/"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1