Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Save or check in a VDF or STK object to the STK Data Federate (SDF) servers.


SDFSave <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> "<ServerFilePath>" [<Options>]

Related Commands


The SDFSave connect command allows a user to save or check-in a VDF or STK object as a file on the STK Data Federate (SDF) server.

The <ObjectPath> specifies the object being saved. The "<ServerFilePath>" specifies the file path on the SDF server.

The following table describes the optional parameters.

<Options> Description
EnableRevControl Enter this option to configure the file for versioning. If not entered the file will be saved normally.
RevisionComments "<Comments>" Enter information about the changes that you have made to the file.
PackageOverview "<Overview>" Enter overview information about the file. If not specified any previous overview will be retained.
ServerName <ServerName> Include ServerName <ServerName> to save to a specific server. This option is required if more than one server is available.


To check the BasicSTK VDF into the SDF:

SDFSave / * "Users/stkUser" ServerName "Test1" EnableRevControl RevisionComments "This is the initial submission." PackageOverview "This is my BasicSTK scenario."

To check-in the SOPHIA aircraft to the SDF:

SDFSave / */Aircraft/SOPHIA "Users/stkUser" EnableRevControl RevisionComments "This is the initial submission." PackageOverview "This is my SOPHIA aircraft file."


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1