Description | Example | Return Message | Group

SetAttitude DataReference

Specify the reference attitude profile for incoming attitude data


SetAttitude <VehObjectPath> DataReference {ProfileType} <Parameters>


The SetAttitude command with the DataReference {AttitudeOption} allows you to specify the reference attitude profile for incoming attitude data. The reference attitude profile is specified using a {ProfileType} and its associated <Parameters>. For a description of available {ProfileType} options see SetAttitude Profile command.

An additional {ProfileType} option available with this command is CBFixed, which is like InertFix but with reference to CBF. When the CBFixed profile is used with this command, the method it uses for interpolating between points is to interpolate in CBF space and then convert to CBI, in contrast to the less preferred method of the AddAttitude CBFQuat command, which converts to CBI and then interpolates.

Hint: You can use coordinate objects from Vector Tool to define reference attitude profiles.


To specify NadirECIVel (ECIVVLH) reference attitude profile with 30 deg offset for Satellite1 in the current scenario:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 DataReference NadirECIVel Offset 30

To specify reference attitude profile that is aligned with and fixed in the body axes of Facility1 in the current scenario:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Satellite1 DataReference Fixed Euler 0 0 0 321 "Facility/Facility1 Body"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1