Description | Example | Return Message | Group

SetAttitude RealTime

Reset attitude to use near-real-time data over a Connect socket


SetAttitude <ObjectPath> RealTime {LookAheadMethod} [<LookAheadDuration> <LookBehindDuration> <BlockFactor>]


The SetAttitude RealTime command allows you to create an attitude profile using near-real-time data provided over a Connect socket.

{LookAheadMethod} can be Extrapolate or Hold. The method is used to calculate attitude past the current data point for the length of the <LookAheadDuration>. The vehicle retains at least those data points within the <LookBehindDuration> from the latest data point. <BlockFactor> is used to help size allocated memory used to hold the history.

<LookAheadDuration> and <LookBehindDuration> are entered in seconds. <BlockFactor> is an integer and should be greater than or equal to 20.


To extrapolate data 5 minutes into the future from the latest point received while only saving data points two minutes in the past of the latest data point received:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Shuttle RealTime Extrapolate 300 120


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1