Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Set the version of Connect to be used when sending and receiving commands for the current Connect session


SetConVersion <ApplicationPath> <VersionNumber>


The SetConVersion command allows you to set the version for the current Connect session. This feature is especially useful if several commands being used are from a previous version of Connect. For instance, Connect version 2.0 or earlier can be used if you wish to send any command that specifies a vehicle since the vehicle class was divided into six types of vehicles in version 3.0. When the version is set to Connect version 2.0, when you send a command with a Vehicle as the object class, the object is translated into the appropriate new version 3.0 class-which may be a satellite, aircraft, ship, ground vehicle, missile or launch vehicle, depending on the state data received for the object.

SetConVersion commands only change the Connect version for the current Connect session.

Hint: You can check the current Connect version for the connection using the GetConVersion command. The Connect API automatically commands the latest Connect version by default when AgConOpenStk is called. If desired, you can command a different version or override the Connect API default version in the Connect run control file (.connectrc or connect.dat).

Hint: Using an earlier version is a viable option but may impact performance. For instance, if you send a vehicle command through Connect version 2.0, Connect has to translate all vehicles into the appropriate class of vehicle for compatibility with later version such as 3.0.


To set the Connect version to version 2.0 so that commands for the Vehicle class are available to you:

SetConVersion / CONv2.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1