Set the current default directory path
SetDefaultDir <ApplicationPath> "<NewDirectoryPath>"
The SetDefaultDir command allows you to set the directory in which STK looks first to save and retrieve files. By default, STK saves objects to the user directory specified during install. If you choose a different directory, your choice remains in effect until you change directories again.
Warning: If you insert an object from or save to a different directory using the STK user interface after you use the SetDefaultDir command, the current STK directory becomes the last directory you accessed. This means that the value entered for the SetDefaultDir command is no longer valid.
To set the directory path to C:\stk\User\STKData so that all File Selection windows point to that directory:
SetDefaultDir / "C:\stk\User\STKData"
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1