Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Set the routine for an SGP4 propagator


SetSGP4Prop <SatObjectPath> {Routine}


This command provides the ability for the user to choose the implementation of the SGP4 propagator that STK will use.

{Routine} is an optional parameter that allows you to select the SGP4 routine used for propagating ephemeris. Valid values or {Routine} are:

{Routine} Description
SGP4 (Default) Use the internal SGP4 routine implemented by STK.
AFSPC_SGP4 Use the AFSPC implementation of the SGP4 routine.

Note: The AFSPC_SGP4 routine may be available as an option if STK has been properly configured to support it. It is only available if the user has obtained the official SGP4 dll (and related files) from AFSPC (Air Force Space Command) and performed some minor install procedure. See the "STK and SGP4 FAQ" from the

If no {Routine} is specified, the internal SGP4 (Default) routine will be used.

Note: In the past you may have used the {Propagator} parameter to choose the USGovMSGP4 routine. This is no longer necessary, as the implementation of the internal SGP4 routine and the UsGov routine have been made the same.

Note: These parameters are case sensitive.

Note: Different SGP4 implementations (other than the internal SGP4 routine implemented by STK) may or may not be available to you, depending on your STK install configuration. You can determine if different routines are available by creating a satellite, choosing the SGP4 propagator on the Orbit Properties Page, and noting whether a combobox appears on the panel listing names of routines.


SetSGP4Prop */Satellite/gps02 AFSPC-SGP4


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1