Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Specify a terrain server to be used in STK calculations


TerrainServer <ApplicationPath> <Parameters>

Related Commands


The TerrainServer command allows you to specify a terrain server to be used in STK calculations.

Valid values for {Option} are UseAgiServer, Server, and Tileset.

The syntax of the command <Parameters> is:

UseAgiServer {Yes | No} [Server "<ServerName>"] [Tileset "<Tileset>"]

If Yes is entered, Server "<ServerName>" is not valid. However, you can optionally specify the desired TileSet "<Tileset>" to be used. If the Tileset is not specified, the first available tileset will be used.

If No is entered, also specify the Server "<ServerName>" and/or TileSet "<Tileset>" to indicate specific values. If Server is not entered a valid Server must already be specified.

When specifying a server other than the AGI Terrain Server, the UseAgiServer No keywords can be omitted from the command line.


To use the AGI Terrain Server, with the specified tileset:

TerrainServer / UseAgiServer Yes Tileset "world"

To specify a terrain server, and tileset:

TerrainServer / UseAgiServer No Server "TempWorkSrvr" Tileset "world"

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1