Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Define and manage the Timeline in STK


Timeline <ScenarioPath> {Option} <Parameters>


The Timeline command allows the user to set up and manage the Timeline in STK.

This first table describes the set of commands that allows the user to define the Timeline window.

WindowID <WinNumber> specifies which Timeline window will be affected by the command. If not entered the first Timeline window will be used.

{Options} <Parameters> Description
CreateWindow [WindowID <WinNumber>] Create a new Timeline window.
Place <X> <Y> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Indicates X,Y position of Timeline window, where 0,0 is in the upper left corner of the screen. This command will move the Timeline window to the new location.

Note: If your monitor configuration includes multiple monitors, use negative values in the Place command to move the window to the left or upper monitor(s).

Size <Width> <Height> [WindowID <WinNumber>] <Width> and <Height> indicates the new size of the Timeline window. This command will resize the Timeline window.
Iconify [WindowID <WinNumber>] This option is only applicable to integrated windows and the window will be iconified in the work area. If the window is floating or docked then the command is ignored.
Raise [WindowID <WinNumber>] This command restores the Timeline window to the foreground.

Note: If another program has the focus it may not allow the application to be shown, but the taskbar buttons will flash. This is a function of Windows2000 and above.

Minimize [WindowID <WinNumber>] This option is only applicable to integrated windows and the Timeline window will be minimized in the work area. If the window is floating or docked then the command is ignored.
Maximize [WindowID <WinNumber>] This option is only applicable to integrated windows and the Timeline window will be maximized in the work area. If the window is floating or docked then the command is ignored.
SetTitle "<New Title>" [WindowID <WinNumber>] Change the title of a Timeline window to "<New Title>".
Dock {Top | Bottom | Left | Right} [WindowID <WinNumber>] Dock the window to the main application.
Integrate [WindowID <WinNumber>] Integrate the window into the main application.
Float [WindowID <WinNumber>] Float the window.


In order to configure the Timeline with optimal efficiency through connect, it will not typically refresh after executing a command. To update the Timeline a Refresh command must be executed.

The syntax for the Timeline Refresh command is as follows:

Timeline <ScenarioPath> Refresh [WindowID <WinNumber>]

ContentView option

The Content View is a special grouping mechanism for organizing related time components. There must be at least one content view, so you cannot remove the last one. A Timeline Refresh command should be sent to update the view except where noted below.

The syntax for the Timeline ContentView command is as follows:

Timeline <ScenarioPath> ContentView {Option} <Parameters>
ContentView {Options} <Parameters> Description
Add "<ViewName>" Add a new content view. "<ViewName>" must be unique. Use the TimeComponent option, described below, to add content to the view.
Remove "<ViewName>" Remove the specified content view, but note there must always be at lest one content view. This command will automatically perform a Refresh if removing the content view causes the selection to change.
Rename "<OldViewName>" "<NewViewName>" Rename the specified content view using the unique "<NewViewName>".
Select "<ViewName>" [WindowID <WinNumber>] Select the specified content view.

TimeView option

The Time View is a special grouping mechanism for organizing multiple view port definitions. This allows the changing of the view intervals so that it is easy to view a large time span and then change to view a predefined smaller zoomed view. A time view must always be present and selected. A Timeline Refresh command should be sent to update the view except where noted below.

The syntax for the Timeline TimeView command is as follows:

Timeline <ScenarioPath> TimeView {Option} <Parameters>
TimeView {Options} <Parameters> Description
Add "<ViewName>" Add a new time view. "<ViewName>" must be unique. The new time view will default to the scenario’s Analysis Time Interval.
Remove "<ViewName>" Remove the specified time view, but note there must always be at least one time view. This command will automatically perform a Refresh if removing the time view causes the selection to change.
Rename "<OldViewName>" "<NewViewName>" Rename the specified time view using the unique "<NewViewName>".
Select "<ViewName>" [WindowID <WinNumber>] Select the specified time view.
Edit "<ViewName>" {GlobalInterval | ViewPortInterval} {TimeInterval} Edit the specified time view.

Specify GlobalInterval to set the span on the Global Time Bar.

Specify ViewPortInterval to set the span of the View Port. If {TimeInterval} includes time component(s) it will be resolved to it's current time and the time will be used to define the view port.

For details on the format of {TimeInterval} see Time Options.

Both GlobalInterval and ViewPortInterval can be entered on the same command (see Examples).

TimeComponent option

Time Components can be added to or removed from a content view. These components can be displayed by selecting the content view and refreshing the display.

The syntax for the Timeline TimeComponent command is as follows:

Timeline <ScenarioPath> TimeComponent {Add | Remove} ContentView "<ViewName>" [DisplayName "<DisplayName>"] "<TimeComponent>"
<Parameters> Description
{Add | Remove} Enter Add to add the specified time component to the content view. Enter Remove to remove the specified time component from the content view.
ContentView "<ViewName>" Remove the specified content view, but note there must always be at lest one content view. This command will automatically perform a Refresh if removing the content view causes the selection to change.
[DisplayName "<DisplayName>"] Use the optional DisplayName "<DisplayName>" to set the row name. By default the row name is the STK object name and component name separated by a space.
"<TimeComponent>" Specify the time component to be added or removed.

For details on the format of "<TimeComponent>" see Component Specification.


Create a new Timeline window:

Timeline * CreateWindow

Change the title for the second Timeline window:

Timeline * SetTitle NewTimeline WindowID 2

Add two content views, and select the second one:

Timeline * ContentView Add "ContentView1"

Timeline * ContentView Add "ContentView2"

Timeline * ContentView Select "ContentView2" WindowID 2

Refresh the second Timeline window:

Timeline * Refresh WindowID 2

Add a TimeComponent to ContentView1:

Timeline * TimeComponent Add ContentView "ContentView1" "Satellite/Satellite1 AvailabilityTimeSpan Interval"

Add a TimeComponent, with a DisplayName, to ContentView1:

Timeline * TimeComponent Add ContentView "ContentView1" DisplayName "PASS" "Satellite/Satellite1 PassIntervals Interval List"

Add a time view:

Timeline * TimeView Add "TimeView1"

Set the View Port Interval for the specified time view:

Timeline * TimeView Edit "TimeView1" ViewPortInterval "3 Dec 2013 17:00:00.00" "3 Dec 2013 18:35:00.00"

Timeline * TimeView Select "TimeView1"

Timeline * Refresh

Set the View Port Interval and Global Interval for the time view:

Timeline * TimeView Edit "TimeView1" GlobalInterval "Scenario/SimpleAccess AnalysisInterval Interval" ViewPortInterval "Scenario/SimpleAccess AnalysisInterval Interval"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1