Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO Pulse

Set or modify Sensor Pulse graphics properties


VO <SensorObjectPath> Pulse {PulseOption1} <Value1> [{PulseOption2} <Value2>...]


The VO Pulse command to modulate a sensor's projection. Use the {PulseOptions} to define the display of the pulses in the sensor's projection, and specify the rate at which pulses occur.

{PulseOptions} and their associated <Values> are:

{PulseOption} <Value> Description
Show {On | Off} If Off is entered, the sensor projection displays as a transparent, homogeneous color.
Amplitude <AmpValue> The transparent/opaque ratio of the pulses. Enter a value between 0.0 and 1.0 (Default = 0.5).
PulseLength <LengthValue> Indicate how much physical space a given pulse occupies. <LengthValue> is a real value, entered in Connect distance units, greater or equal to 0.000001 meters (Default = 2000.0 km).
Style {Sine | PositiveSine | NegativeSine | Box | PositiveBox | NegativeBox} Select the sensor's modulation style. Box styles display a very sharp transition from On to Off for the sensor's modulation, while the Sine styles display a smooth transition.
Smooth {On | Off} If Smooth is On, pixels are averaged over the range of the pulse. This feature is used to achieve better viewing quality.
Frequency {Slow | Medium | Fast | <Value>} Select the rate at which pulses occur or provide a value between 0.0 and 100.0 Hz to use a specific frequency.
FreqReverse {On | Off} If FreqReverse is On, the sensor pulses in a direction opposite from that set. This feature is useful if you want pulsing to display in the same direction as usual but pulsing is faster than the animation step.


To display Sensor3's pulse in the 3D Graphics window with a transparent/opaque ratio of 0.67 and smooth its display:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 Pulse Show On Amplitude 0.67 Smooth On

To display 350 km pulses that transition from on to off smoothly in the 3D Graphics window for Sensor3:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 Pulse PulseLength 350.0 FreqReverse Off Style NegativeSine

To display pulses that transition from on to off sharply and are set to the custom frequency of 50.0 in the 3D Graphics window for Sensor3:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 Pulse Frequency 50.0 Style Box

To turn off the display of Sensor3's pulses in the 3D Graphics window:

VO */Satellite/attSat/Sensor/Sensor3 Pulse Show Off


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1