Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Walker (Satellites)

Create a Walker constellation using the object as the seed satellite


Walker <SatObjectPath> [{WalkerType}] <NumPlanes> <NumSatsPerPlane> {<InterPlaneSpacing> | <TrueAnomaly>} <RAANSpread> {ColorByPlaneFlag} [{AdditionalOptions}]


Connect can direct STK to construct a constellation of satellites using the Walker method. The only prerequisite is that the seed satellite has propagated ephemeris.

STK calculates the orbital parameters for all satellites in the constellation based on the orbital parameters of the seed satellite, propagates ephemeris for each satellite, and then displays the appropriate graphics.

The following table describes the command parameters.

Parameter Description
{WalkerType} Valid values are Delta or ModDelta. If this parameter is not entered then Delta is assumed.
<NumPlanes> Specify the number of orbital planes. Valid value is between 1 and 999.
<NumSatsPerPlane> Specify the number of satellites in each orbital plane. Valid value is between 0 and 999.

Note: Entering 0 for NumSatsPerPlane will clear the Walker constellation.

{<InterPlaneSpacing> | <TrueAnomaly>}

If {WalkerType} is Delta, <InterPlaneSpacing> is entered. This value must be between 1 and 999, and must be one less than <NumPlanes>.

If {WalkerType} is ModDelta, then <TrueAnomaly> is entered. <TrueAnomaly> is entered in degrees ranging from 0.0 to 360.0

<RAANSpread> Specify the right ascension of the ascending node spread. This value is entered in degrees ranging from 0.0 to 360.0
{ColorByPlaneFlag} Valid values are Yes, No. This value specifies whether satellites within the same plane should display using the same color for markers and labels.
{AdditionalOptions} Optional parameters that can be entered on the command line. See the following table for descriptions of these parameters. {AdditionalOptions} must be at the end of the command line.

The following table describes {AdditionalOptions}.

Option Description
ConstellationName <Name> If entered, a constellation is created and all resulting satellites will be placed in the constellation.
SetUniqueNames Include this option to have the sub-objects of all resulting satellites created with unique names.

Hint: If you have a large number of satellites in the Walker constellation, these calculations may take a few minutes.


To create a Walker constellation with the Walk satellite as the seed satellite, with the constellation consisting of two planes with four satellites in each plane and an interplane spacing of 1:

Walker */Satellite/Walk 2 4 1 360 Yes

To create a walker constellation using the modified delta model, and place all resulting Satellites in a constellation named MyConst:

Walker */Satellite/Sat1 ModDelta 2 2 30.0 180.0 No ConstellationName MyConst

To create a Walker constellation with the Walk satellite as the seed satellite, and have satellite sub-objects created with unique names:

Walker */Satellite/Walk 2 4 1 360 Yes SetUniqueNames


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Object Tools




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1