
This attribute defines the coordinate type (labeled Representation Type in the Astrogator graphical user interface) for the Body Constraint Vector.


Astrogator <Satellite Object Path> SetValue <Attribute Path>.BodyConstraintVectorRepresentation {Value}


The spacecraft attitude is aligned with the thrust direction based on the orientation of the engine(s). Use this attribute to specify a constraint vector in the spacecraft body coordinates to complete the attitude definition. Specify the Representation Type for the vector with one of the following values:


For Finite Maneuver

Astrogator */Satellite/Satellite1 SetValue MainSequence.SegmentList. Maneuver.FiniteMnvr.BodyConstraintVectorRepresentation Cartesian

For Impulsive Maneuver

Astrogator */Satellite/Satellite1 SetValue MainSequence.SegmentList. Maneuver.ImpulsiveMnvr.BodyConstraintVectorRepresentation Spherical

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1