
This attribute defines the velocity type for the Burnout state of a Launch segment of the MCS.


Astrogator <Satellite Object Path> SetValue <Astrogator Object Path>.Burnout.BurnoutOptions {Velocity Type}


The options for Burnout Options are:

Field Description
Use Fixed Velocity The inclination of the final state of the launch segment is determined by the arc between the launch and insertion positions, and the horizontal flight path angle is set to zero.
Use Inertial Velocity The final state of the launch segment is solely and completely determined by the burnout position and velocity.

Note: Internal spaces are not replaced with underscores when the above options are used in a Connect command. See the example below.


Astrogator */Satellite/Satellite1 SetValue MainSequence.SegmentList.Launch.Burnout.BurnoutOptions Use Fixed Velocity

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1