Calculation Objects - Formation

Formation components are a subset of Calculation Object components. They set relative values for use in formation flying.


ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Calculation Objects" {Component} {Attribute} <Value> [{Unit}]

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Calculation Objects" {Component} <Duplicate Component Name>


The Formation components are:

Component Description
CloseApproachBearing Angle from relative velocity vector to reference
CloseApproachMagnitude Magnitude of close approach vector on close approach plane
CloseApproachTheta Angle from X to close approach vector on close approach plane
CloseApproachX X component of close approach vector on close approach plane
CloseApproachY Y component of close approach vector on close approach plane
CosineOfCloseApproachBearing Cosine of Angle from relative velocity vector to reference
RelGroundTrackError Relative Ground track error compared to the reference satellite
Rel Mean Arg of Lat Relative mean argument of latitude compared to the master satellite
Rel Mean Arg of Perigree Relative mean argument of perigee compared to the master satellite
Rel Mean Eccentricity Relative mean eccentricity compared to the master satellite
Rel Mean Inclination Relative mean inclination compared to the master satellite
Rel Mean Mean Anomaly Relative mean mean anomaly compared to the master satellite
Rel Mean Period Relative mean orbit period compared to the master satellite
Rel Mean RAAN Relative mean RAAN compared to the master satellite
Rel Mean Semimajor Axis Relative mean semimajor axis compared to the master satellite
RelativeAtAOL Relative value of a specified function compared to the master satellite at the same argument of latitude
RelativeValue Relative value of a specified function compared to the reference satellite

The attributes for each component have the same names and value selections that appear in the Astrogator user interface.


Duplicating a Formation component

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Calculation Objects" "Rel Mean Period" "My Rel Mean Period"

Changing an attribute of a custom Formation component

ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Calculation Objects" "My RelGroundTrackError" Direction Previous

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1