Calculation Objects - MultiBody

MultiBody components are a subset of Calculation Object components.


ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Calculation Objects" {Component} {Attribute} <Value> [{Unit}]

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Calculation Objects" {Component} <Duplicate Component Name>


The Multibody components include B-plane elements, delta declination and right ascension. The b-plane is a planar coordinate system that allows targeting during a gravity assist. It can be thought of as a target attached to the assisting body. Delta Declination and Right Ascension are described in the table below. For more information, refer to the help files for the Astrogator Graphical User Interface (GUI).

The MultiBody components are:

Component Description
BDotR B-Plane B and R vector dot product
BDotT B-Plane B and T vector dot product
BMagnitude B-Plane B vector magnitude
BTheta B-Plane theta angle
Delta Declination Declination between s/c and central body wrt parent body. Delta Declination is the difference between the declination of the target body and that of the satellite with respect to the target body's parent body.
Delta Right Asc Right Ascension between s/c and central body wrt parent body. Delta Right Ascension is the difference between the right ascension of the target body and that of the satellite. The right ascension is measured with respect to the target body's parent body, in the parent body's inertial coordinate system.

The attributes for each component have the same names and value selections that appear in the Astrogator GUI.


Duplicating a MultiBody component

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Calculation Objects" BDotR "My BDotR"

Changing an attribute of a custom MultiBody component

ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Calculation Objects" "My BMagnitude" TargetBody Pluto

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1