Calculation Objects - Relative Motion

The Relative Motion components are various relative values compared to a reference satellite. They are a subset of Calculation Objects.


ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Calculation Objects" {Component} {Attribute} <Value> [{Unit}]

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Calculation Objects" {Component} <Duplicate Component Name>


The Relative Motion components are:

Component Description
CrossTrack Relative Cross-Track value compared to reference satellite
CrossTrackRate Relative Cross-Track Rate value compared to reference satellite
InTrack Relative In-Track value compared to reference satellite
InTrackRate Relative In-Track Rate value compared to reference satellite
Normal Relative Normal value compared to reference satellite
NormalRate Relative Normal Rate value compared to reference satellite
RICAzimuth Angle measured in the plane formed by the In-Track and Cross-Track directions, positive from the In-Track direction toward the Cross-Track direction
RICAzimuthRate Rate of change of the RIC azimuth
RICElevation Angle measured perpendicular to the plane formed by the In-Track and Cross-Track directions, positive toward the Radial direction
RICElevationRate Rate of change of the RIC elevation
Radial Relative Radial value compared to reference satellite
RadialRate Relative Radial Rate value compared to reference satellite
Range Relative Range value compared to reference satellite
RangeRate Relative Range Rate value compared to reference satellite
Tangential Relative Tangential value compared to reference satellite
TangentialRate Relative Tangential Rate value compared to reference satellite
TimeDifference Relative Time-Difference value compared to reference satellite

The attributes for each component have the same names and value selections that appear in the Astrogator graphical user interface.


Duplicating a Relative Motion component

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Calculation Objects" CrossTrack "My CrossTrack"

Changing an attribute of a custom Relative Motion component

ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Calculation Objects" "My RICAzimuth" OriginAtMaster false

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1