Propagator Functions

The components within Propagator Functions are used to define propagation models.


ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Propagator Functions" {Component} {Attribute} <Value> [{Unit}]

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Propagator Functions" {Component} <Duplicate Component Name>


These components can be embedded into custom propagator components to define their characteristics. In addition, all of them can be duplicated and used in creating new models.


The Propagator Functions components are:

Component Description
General Relativity Models the effects of general relativity in accordance with IERS Technical Note 32, IERS Conventions (2003).
Radiation Pressure Models albedo and thermal radiation pressure of the central body in the force model. If you create a duplicate of this component, you can select to include albedo and/or thermal radiation pressure, and can specify a Ground Reflection Model.

Atmospheric Models

Component Description
CIRA 72 Drag with Cira 72 Atmospheric Density Model. Empirical model of atmospheric temperature and densities as recommended by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR). Similar to the Jacchia 1971 model but uses numeric integration rather than interpolating polynomials for some quantities.
Exponential Drag with Exponential Atmospheric Density Model. This model uses the following equation to calculate atmospheric density:

atmospheric density equation

where = density at a specified altitude, h = specified altitude, = reference density, h0 = reference altitude, and H = scale altitude.
Exponential - Earth Drag with Earth Exponential Atmospheric Density Model
Exponential - Jupiter Drag with Jupiter Exponential Atmospheric Density Model
Exponential - Mars Drag with Mars Exponential Atmospheric Density Model
Exponential - Venus Drag with Venus Exponential Atmospheric Density Model
Harris-Priester Drag with Harris-Priester Atmospheric Density Model. Takes into account a 10.7 cm solar flux level and diurnal bulge. Uses density tables. Valid range of 0-1000 km.
Jacchia-Roberts Drag with Jacchia-Roberts Atmospheric Density Model. Similar to Jacchia 1971 but uses analytical methods to improve performance.
Jacchia 1960 Drag with Jacchia 1960 Atmospheric Density Model. An outdated atmospheric model provided for making comparisons with other software.
Jacchia 1970 Drag with Jacchia 1970 Atmospheric Density Model. Computes atmospheric density based on the composition of the atmosphere, which depends on altitude as well as seasonal variation. Valid range is 100-2500 km.
Jacchia 1971 Drag with Jacchia 1971 Atmospheric Density Model. Similar to Jacchia 1970, with improved treatment of certain solar effects.
MSISE 1990 Drag with MSISE 1990 Atmospheric Density Model. Empirical density model developed by Hedin based on satellite data. Finds the total density by accounting for the contribution of N2, O, O2, He, Ar and H. 1990 version, valid range of 0-1000 km.
MSIS 1986 Drag with MSIS 1986 Atmospheric Density Model. Empirical density model developed by Hedin based on satellite data. Finds the total density by accounting for the contribution of N2, O, O2, He, Ar and H. 1986 version, valid range of 90-1000 km.
NRLMSISE 2000 Drag with NRLMSISE 2000 Atmospheric Density Model. Empirical density model developed by the US Naval Research Laboratory based on satellite data. Finds the total density by accounting for the contribution of N, N2, O, O2, He, Ar and H. Includes anomalous oxygen. 2000 version, valid range of 0-1000 km. This implementation always calls the gtd7d routine (in contrast to switching between it and gtd7) per the recommendation of Mike Picone, one of the code authors.
US Standard Atmosphere Drag with US 1976 Standard Atmospheric Density Model. Standard model with no user-specified parameters.

The MSIS models are available at

Gravity Models

Component Description
Gravitational Force Gravitational force from central body. This model provides a complex gravitational force calculation, optionally including solid and ocean tide effects.
TwoBody Force Force from point mass of central body. This model is a standard point mass model.


Component Description
HPOP Plugin Example HPOP Propagator Plugin. Force model plugins that have been registered for use with HPOP are available for use with Astrogator as well.

SRP Models

Component Description
AeroT20 SRP Aerospace T20 solar radiation pressure model for GPS block IIA.
AeroT30 SRP Aerospace T30 solar radiation pressure model for GPS block IIR.
GSPM 04a-IIA SRP Bar-Sever GPS Solar Pressure Model 04a for block IIA.
GSPM 04a-IIR SRP Bar-Sever GPS Solar Pressure Model 04a for block IIR.
GSPM 04ae-IIA SRP Bar-Sever GPS Solar Pressure Model 04ae for block IIA.
GSPM 04ae-IIR SRP Bar-Sever GPS Solar Pressure Model 04ae for block IIR.
Spherical SRP Solar radiation pressure model that assumes a spherical spacecraft. The equation used by STK is described in the Solar Radiation technical note, in the Astrogator graphical user interface (GUI) help.

Third Bodies

This folder contains third body functions for each of the central bodies and for the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto planetary systems. In addition, if you create a central body, a third body function for it will automatically be created in this folder.


The attributes for each component are listed individually below.

Radiation Pressure

Attribute Values
IncludeAlbedo Boolean
IncludeThermalRadPressure Boolean
GroundReflectionModelFile <Path and filename>

Atmospheric Models

For more details on the Atmospheric Models parameters, see the Astrogator GUI help.

Jacchia-Roberts, Jacchia 1970, Jacchia 1971, Cira 72, and MSIS

Attribute Values
UseApproximateAltitude Boolean
SunPosition "Apparent", "ApparentSunToTrueCB", "True"
AtmosDataSource "Constant Values", "Data File"
F10p7 <Numerical>
F10p7Avg <Numerical>
Kp <Numerical>
AtmosDataFile <Path and filename>
AtmosDataGeoMagFluxSource "Read Kp from file", "Read Ap from file"
AtmosDataGeoMagFluxUpdateRate "Daily", "3-Hourly", "3-Hourly Interpolated" (except MSIS), "3-Hourly Cubic Spline" (except MSIS)


Attribute Values
UseApproximateAltitude Boolean
SunPosition "Apparent", "ApparentSunToTrueCB", "True"
AtmosDataSource "Constant Values", "Data File"
F10p7Avg <Numerical>
AtmosDataFile <Path and filename>

Jacchia 1960

Attribute Values
UseApproximateAltitude Boolean
SunPosition "Apparent", "ApparentSunToTrueCB", "True"

US Standard

Attribute Values
UseApproximateAltitude Boolean


Attribute Values
UseApproximateAltitude Boolean
ro0 <Numerical>
h0 <Numerical>
H <Numerical>

Gravity Models

For more details on the Gravity Models parameters, see the Astrogator GUI help.

Gravitational Force

Attribute Values
GravityFile <Path and filename>
Degree <Numerical>
Order <Numerical>
UseSecularVariations Boolean
UseSolidTides Boolean
IncludeTimeDependentSolidTides Boolean
SolidTideMinAmp <Numerical>
UseOceanTides Boolean
OceanTideMinAmp <Numerical>
OceanTideMaxDegree <Numerical>
OceanTideMaxOrder <Numerical>
MinRadiusPercent <Numerical>

TwoBody Force

Attribute Values
GravSource "Cb File", "DE File", "User Specified"
Mu <Numerical>
MinRadiusPercent <Numerical>

Note: the MuSource attribute has been deprecated in STK 9 and replaced with GravSource.


Attribute Values
PluginIdentifier <Prog Id for Plugin Engine Model>
PluginConfig.<Attribute> Dependent on attribute

SRP Models

For more details on the SRP Models parameters, see the Astrogator GUI help.

All SRP Models

Attribute Values
AtmosphereAlt <Numerical>
ShadowModel "No Shadow", "Cylindrical", "Dual Cone"
SunPosition "Apparent", "ApparentSunToTrueCB", "True"
OtherEclipsingBodies <Central Body>
IncludeBoundaryMitigation Boolean

Additional Spherical SRP Model Attributes

Attribute Values
SolarForceMethod "Use Mean Flux", "Use Luminosity"
Mean Flux <Numerical>
Luminosity <Numerical>

Third Bodies

The Third Body models are comprised of a set of parameters that is determined by the selected mode.

Attribute Values
ThirdBody <Third Body>
EphemerisSource "Cb File", "DE File", "SPICE Barycenter", "SPICE Body Centered"
GravSource "User Specified", "Cb File", "Cb File – System", "DE File"
Mu <Numerical>
Mode "Point Mass", "Gravity Field" - if Mode is Gravity Field, you can define Gravitational Force attributes for the third body using the syntax:

GravityField.<Attribute> <Value> <Unit>

Note: the MuSource attribute has been deprecated in STK 9 and replaced with GravSource.


Duplicating a Propagator Functions component

ComponentBrowser */ Duplicate "Propagator Functions" "TwoBody Force" "My TwoBody Force"

Setting the Use Approximate Altitude control for a custom Harris-Priester component

ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Propagator Functions" "My Harris-Priester" UseApproximateAltitude false

Selecting the shadow model for a custom Spherical SRP component

ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Propagator Functions" "My Spherical SRP" ShadowModel "No Shadow"

Selecting a ground reflection model for a custom Radiation Pressure component

ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Propagator Functions" "My Radiation Pressure" GroundReflectionModelFile STKData\CentralBodies\Earth\modelfile.txt

Defining the degree for the gravity field of a custom Third Body component

ComponentBrowser */ SetValue "Propagator Functions" "My Europa" GravityField.Degree 2


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1