
The Maneuver segment can be used to model a spacecraft maneuver.


Astrogator <Satellite Object Path> SetValue <Attribute Path>.Maneuver.{Maneuver Type}.{Attribute} <Value> [{Unit}]

Astrogator <Satellite Object Path> SEEDFINITE MainSequence.SegmentList.Maneuver


Use SetValue to define an Impulsive or Finite Maneuver, or use SEEDFINITE to "seed" (convert with the same properties) a Finite Maneuver from an Impulsive Maneuver.

Note: If you use SEEDFINITE, Astrogator will apply the results of the last run of the Impulsive Maneuver - based on the parameters you set for it (including the engine model and thruster set) - in each place where there is a corresponding parameter for the Finite Maneuver, overwriting any settings you previously made. The estimated burn duration of the Impulsive Maneuver will be used to define a duration stopping condition for the Finite Maneuver. You cannot use SEEDFINITE if the Impulsive Maneuver has not been run at least once.


Select a specific attribute from the table of contents.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1