
This attribute defines the behavior of the Return segment.


Astrogator <Satellite Object Path> SetValue <Attribute Path>.return.RetState {Value}


Choose from three values for the attribute:

Value Description
Enable The segment is active.
Disable The segment is inactive and will be ignored by Astrogator when you run the MCS.
Enable (except Profiles bypass) Available only if the Return is inside a target sequence. The return segment is active except when run from a Target Sequence profile (for example, a differential corrector), which will ignore it.


To enable the "return" segment in the MCS of Satellite1:

Astrogator */Satellite/Satellite1 SetValue MainSequence.SegmentList.return.RetState Enable

To enable the "return" segment in "Target_Sequence" in the MCS of Satellite1, but allow target profiles to bypass the segment:

Astrogator */Satellite/Satellite1 SetValue MainSequence.SegmentList.Target_Sequence.SegmentList.return.RetState Enable (except Profiles bypass)

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1