
This attribute is used to define attributes within the scripting tool, whether it is found on a Sequences or Backward Sequences, on a Differential Corrector, Design Explorer Optimizer, Plugin Search Profile, or as a stand-alone profile on a Target Sequences.


Astrogator <Satellite Object Path> SetValue <Attribute Path>.ScriptingTool.<Attribute> <Value>


The attributes that are subordinate to ScriptingTool are defined in the following table:

Attribute Values
Enabled Boolean
Attributes The Attribute list or an attribute in the list
CalcObjects The CalcObject list or a calculation object in the list
Parameters The Parameters list or a parameter in the list
Language "JScript", "VBScript", or "MATLAB"
ScriptStatements <Text>

The attributes that are subordinate to the attributes defined above are defined in the following table:

Attribute Parent Attributes Values
Attribute Attributes An attribute of an MCS segment or "ReadOnlyProperty"
Object An attribute in the list An MCS segment name
Unit An attribute, a calculation object, or a parameter in the list A unit of measure
UnitDimension A parameter in the list A unit dimension (e.g., Area, Rate)
CalcObject CalcObjects A calculation object component
Parameter Parameters A parameter
ParamValue A parameter in the list Parameter value. Type depends on the ParamType attribute.
ParamType A parameter in the list "Boolean", "Date", "Double", "Enumeration", "Integer", "Quantity", "String"
InheritValue A parameter in the list <Boolean>
UserComment A parameter in the list <Text>
UseMinValue A parameter in the list <Boolean>
MinValue A parameter in the list Minimum parameter value. Type depends on the ParamType attribute.
UseMaxValue A parameter in the list <Boolean>
MaxValue A parameter in the list Maximum parameter value. Type depends on the ParamType attribute.
ReadOnlyProperty Attribute <Boolean>


Examples are given on the help pages of each attribute where the Scripting Tool is present.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1