
A Target Sequence is a structural element that can be used to define maneuvers and propagations in terms of the goals they are intended to achieve.


Astrogator <Satellite Object Path> {Command Operator} <Attribute Path>.Target_Sequence.SegmentList <List of MCS Segments>

Astrogator <Satellite Object Path> {Command Operator} <Attribute Path>.Target_Sequence.{Attribute}<Value> [{Unit}]


Target Sequences are defined in three steps:

  1. Add segments to the Target Sequence
  2. Define Profiles
  3. Configure the Target Sequence

A Target Sequence will run the segments nested within it, and apply profiles to the run according to its configuration. When applying a search profile, the Target Sequence will adjust the targeted values over multiple iterations in an attempt to converge at a solution within the defined tolerance. When applying segment configuration profiles, the Target Sequence will alter the properties of the targeted segments to affect the course of the Mission Control Sequence (MCS) run. The results of a Target Sequence can then be applied to the MCS to produce a trajectory that meets the goals you need to achieve.

Target Sequence attributes and values are set with {Command Operator}. They can include:


Astrogator */Satellite/Satellite1 APPLYCORRECTIONS MainSequence.SegmentList.Target_Sequence

Astrogator */Satellite/Satellite1 CLEARCORRECTIONS MainSequence.SegmentList.Target_Sequence

For more examples, expand the attribute tree and select a specific option.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1