
Specify the center of gravity for the empty aircraft.

Related Commands


MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Configuration SetValue EmptyCG <X> [<XUnit>] <Y> [<YUnit>] <Z> [<ZUnit>]

MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft DefaultConfiguration SetValue EmptyCG <X> [<XUnit>] <Y> [<YUnit>] <Z> [<ZUnit>]


Specify the center of gravity of the aircraft at its empty weight; enter the Cartesian values that describe the center of gravity for the specific aircraft you are modeling, or leave these values set to zero if you don't have these specifications available to you.

<X> Enter X coordinate of the center of gravity.
<XUnit> Enter the unit that the X coordinate is entered in. The default unit is meter. The unit type is Small Distance Unit.
<Y> Enter Y coordinate of the center of gravity.
<YUnit> Enter the unit that the Y coordinate is entered in. The default unit is meter. The unit type is Small Distance Unit.
<Z> Enter Z coordinate of the center of gravity.
<ZUnit> Enter the unit that the Z coordinate is entered in. The default unit is meter. The unit type is Small Distance Unit.



MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Configuration SetValue EmptyCG 0.0 0.10 0.10

MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft DefaultConfiguration SetValue EmptyCG 0.0 0.15 feet 0.0125 feet


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1