
Specify the speeds for the aircraft.

Related Commands


MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft PerfModel "Takeoff" "<ModelName>" SetValue Speeds <TakeoffSpeed> <TOSpeedUnit> <DepartureSpeed> <DepartSpeedUnit>


"<ModelName>" Enter the Takeoff model name.
<TakeoffSpeed> Enter the true airspeed to which the aircraft accelerates on its ground roll for takeoff.
<TOSpeedUnit> Enter the unit that the <TakeoffSpeed> is entered in. This parameter is optional, the default unit is meters/second (m/sec). The dimension type is MissionModelerSpeed.
<DepartureSpeed> Enter the aircraft's true airspeed upon leaving the ground.
<DepartSpeedUnit> Enter the unit that the <DepartureSpeed> is entered in. The dimension type is MissionModelerSpeed.



MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft PerfModel "Takeoff" "FirstTO" SetValue Speeds 161 nm/hr 231 nm/hr


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1