
Specify the method used to begin the arc.

Related Commands


MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Procedure <Index> SetValue JoinArcMethod <Value>


<Index> Enter the index of the ArcEnroute procedure being modified.
<Value> Enter 0, 1 or 2 as follows:
  • 0 for Outbound - The aircraft begins the procedure on a heading away from the site, on the start bearing, and then turns to join the arc.
  • 1 for OnArc - The aircraft begins the procedure on the arc at the start bearing. Note: This option may be required depending on a number of factors in the procedure's definition and the aircraft's performance models.
  • 2 for Inbound - The aircraft begins the procedure on a heading towards the site, on the start bearing, and then turns to join the arc.



MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Procedure 1 SetValue JoinArcMethod 1


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1