Description | Example | Return Message | Group

ACAT LogFile

Write information regarding the effects of filtering on computations to a log file


ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> LogFile {On | Off} {Overwrite | Append} {Buffer | Flush} "<FilePath>"


The ACAT LogFile command can be used as a diagnostic tool to help you understand how filtering is affecting your computation. When you use this option, information regarding how filters are affecting secondaries (i.e., the list of secondaries removed by each filter) is written to a log file as the computation progresses.

If On is entered, then choose whether to Overwrite or Append the log file, whether to Buffer or Flush output, and specify a "<FilePath>" for the log file.

Normally, disk output is buffered in memory for speedier processing. Using the Flush option will redirect that information so that it is immediately written to the log file on the disk.


To overwrite an existing log file with information regarding how the current set of filters is having on computations to /net/doc/leigh/AdvCat.log and buffer output:

ACAT */AdvCAT/MyAdvCAT LogFile On Overwrite Buffer "C:\stk\User\AdvCat.log"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1