Set an SSC reference file to be used during Advanced CAT computations
ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> SSCFile {On | Off | "<FilePath>"}
The ACAT SSCFile command allows you to load a text file containing hard body radius sizes for individual SSC numbers used to represent the size of the object when determining the likelihood of potential collisions. The value in a Hard Body Radius file (*.rad) will override any other value for that object that has been specified in the user interface or set via the ACat {Primary | Secondary} Add HardBodyRadius command.
ACAT */AdvCAT/MyAdvCAT SSCFile "C:\Documents and Settings\tempest\My Documents\STK\SSC.rad"
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1