Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Tweak the performance of access computations


AccessConfig <ApplicationPath> {AccessConfigOption}


The AccessConfig Connect command enables users to adjust and improve the performance of access computations.

Valid values for {AccessConfigOption} can be:

{AccessConfigOption} Description
UseLightTimeDelay {On | Off} Turn on or off the use of light time delay in access computations.
TimeConvergence <Value> Sets the time tolerance used by the access algorithms for determining the start and stop time of access intervals. The event detection routine declares that an event is found when either the value of the access constraint converges to the desired value to within 8 digits or the time interval in which the event lies is within the time tolerance. <Value> is a real number in seconds (1.0e-9 <= t <= 1.0).
MaxSamplingStepSize <Value> Set the maximum step allowed between constraints samples. <Value> is a real number in seconds (1.0e-5 <= t <= 315576000.0).
MinSamplingStepSize <Value> Set the minimum step allowed between constraints samples. <Value> is a real number in seconds (1.0e-5 <= t <= 315576000.0).
LightTimeDelayConvergence <Value> Sets the time tolerance used by the access algorithms for computing the light time delay between objects, when light time delay effects are considered. The light time delay is found whenever a correction to the previous estimate is within the time tolerance. <Value> is a real number in seconds (1.0e-9 <= t <= 0.1).
AberrationType {None | Annual | Total} Sets the model of aberration to be used in access computations. None indicates that aberration is ignored; Annual indicates that only annual aberration is accounted for; Total indicates that the full aberration correction is to be applied.
AbsValueConvergence <Value> Set the criterion used for convergence for values near 0. <Value> must be between 1e-30 and 1e30
RelValueConvergence <Value> An event is said to be detected when a constraint value's relative difference compared to the previous sample is within this tolerance. <Value> must be between 0.0 and 1.0
PreferredTimeSense {Transmit | Receive} Set the preferred directionality for access computations in situations where no directionality is specified. For example, it affects Access, Chains, and DeckAccess but not Coverage or targeted Sensors.

If UseLightTimeDelay is Off then Aberration is ignored.

Star objects are always modeled with total (stellar) aberration, regardless of the AberrationType and UseLightTimeDelay settings.


AccessConfig / UseLightTimeDelay On


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1