Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Compute close approaches to a vehicle from objects in the current CAT satellite database


CAT_RM <ObjectPath> Range <RangeVal>

Related Commands


You can calculate close approaches and set basic approach constraints using the CAT_RM Connect command. When calculating close approaches CAT determines the satellites that pass within the specified range during the period for which ephemeris is defined for the group vehicle.

Satellites found to be within a close approach of the vehicle are then created and loaded into the current scenario using their common names and SSC numbers from the satellite database. Accesses between the satellites with close approaches and the group vehicle are also computed.

Hint: When doing CAT runs where a large number of conjunctions are expected (long duration, large approach distance), it is a good idea to set the Show Ground Tracks flag at the Scenario level to Off. Drawing the ground tracks for a large number of close approaching satellites is time consuming and typically clutters the screen too much to be useful.

The Range <RangeVal> option specifies the maximum allowable distance between the current object and any other object in the database. During analysis, when CAT finds an object within the <RangeVal> specified, the object and the associated time are returned. <RangeVal> is entered in Connect distance units and must be greater than 0.0.


To set a maximum range constraint of 100 km on the calculation of close approach between the LV_LW_TLEs satellite and other objects in the database:

Cat_RM */LaunchVehicle/LV_LW_TLEs Range 100000


The CAT_RM command returns a list of close approach periods and duration, and the corresponding close approach objects:
Return entry 1:
tle-33236, 12 Feb 2009 05:03:30.298, 12 Feb 2009 05:03:43.410, 139133.2425
Return entry 2:
tle-30963, 12 Feb 2009 05:12:36.127, 12 Feb 2009 05:12:52.381, 98547.8753
Return entry 3:
tle-31391, 12 Feb 2009 05:13:31.415, 12 Feb 2009 05:13:51.241, 108615.7044

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1