Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Define (Sensor)

Define the basic properties of a sensor


Define <SensorObjectPath> {Type} <TypeData>


The Define command allows you to define a specified sensor instance. <TypeData> is dependent upon the {Type} of sensor specified.

Hint: Use the Point commands to further define and manipulate a sensor.

{Type} and <TypeData> can be:

{Type} {TypeData}
Conical <InnerConeHalfAngle> <OuterConeHalfAngle> <MinClockAngle> <MaxClockAngle> [AngularRes <Value>]
HalfPower <Frequency> <Diameter> [AngularRes <Value>]
Custom <FilePath>
Rectangular <VerticalHalfAngle> <HorizontalHalfAngle> [AngularRes <Value>]
SAR <MinElevationAngle> <MaxElevationAngle> <ForwardExclusionAngle> <AftExclusionAngle> {<ParentAltitude> | TrackParentAltitude {On | Off} } [AngularRes <Value>]
SimpleCone <ConeAngle> [AngularRes <Value>]

Include the optional AngularRes <Value> parameter to set the angular separation between neighboring pattern points. <Value> is entered in degrees and can be 0.000001 to 90.0.

Note: All Angle values are entered in Degrees.


To define the pattern of the Shuttle's Horizon sensor in the current scenario:

Define */Satellite/Shuttle/Sensor/Horizon Conical 0.0 85.0 0.0 360.0

To define the pattern of Sensor1 to be rectangular and to have an angular separation of 6 degrees:

Define */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 Rectangular 25.1 36.8 AngularRes 6.0

To define the pattern of Sensor1 to be SAR and to use the parent's altitude for the altitude of the sensor:

Define */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/SnSAR SAR 15.2 51.9 5.7 8.6 TrackParentAltitude On


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1