Control the graphical display of penumbra regions during animation (Deprecated Command)
Lighting <ScenarioPath> Penumbra {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value> ...]
Note: This command was deprecated in STK 10, it should no longer be used. This command has been replaced by the Lighting UmbraPenumbra command.
The Lighting Penumbra command allows you to define the display of penumbra regions in the 2D Graphics window. Penumbra regions are those where the Sun is partially blocked by the Earth.
For valid {DisplayOption} <Value> pairs see the Lighting Sunlight command.
To display regions of penumbra in all 2D Graphics windows using a cyan translucent fill, and display the boundaries around penumbra regions as blue dotted lines of LineWidth 3:
Lighting * Penumbra Fill On FillColor cyan FillStyle screen ShowLine on LineColor blue LineStyle dotted LineWidth 3
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1